Complete the Challenge, Yeay!

Thank you Lord...
Thank you the Universe...
I made it!

The Orange Rhino 365 days Challenge, "Yelling Less and Loving More" made my days better and even more important. And I really glad that I made it. 

Back to Day-1 Challenge in 15 October 2013 was making me feel upside down.
"Can I through this? Dealing with the amazing boy Abimanyu and all of my daily concerns?"..
In fact, I can complete the challenge 15 October 2014.... ^_^

I stick to my plan. I need to upgrade my self. 
And the most important, I want to be loving mother for my Abimanyu. I want it badly.
Therefore, I must work hard on it.

(C) www,

Abimanyu was teaching me a lot through our daily interaction and conversation. It brings me some new point of views and also new actions should be applied in our family. 

In this stage, dealing with 5yo boy, I still believe that the power of bonding is so amazing. No more.
Bonding does work. We can communicate with 5yo boy closely in a good bonding.

Thank you Abimanyu..
You teach Mama very well..

-Tuhan Memberkati-


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